Interferometry Centre of Excellence
Our researchers
- Robert Beswick
- Gary Fuller
- Simon Garrington
- Anna Scaife
Radio interferometers combine signals from multiple receivers to probe a wide variety of astrophysical environments: from the dusty disks around young stars that go on to form planets, to the rapidly rotating astrophysical lighthouses known as pulsars; from the diffuse ionised gas of our own Galaxy to the huge jets of relativistic particles ejected violently from super-massive black holes.
The JBCA Interferometry Centre of Excellence (ICE) supports research into novel and improved techniques for extracting the maximum amount of information from radio interferometric data. This includes the fields of calibration, image formation and scientific interpretation.
Like many other data-centric fields, radio interferometry is increasingly dealing with Big Data. The Interferometry Centre of Excellence is involved in the development of efficient and scalable implementations of data analysis algorithms across multiple platforms, including accelerated processing.
Training and workshops
The ICE runs a variety of workshops and other training courses for radio interferometry. In addition it incorporates the user support for the ALMA and e-MERLIN radio telescopes.